Assessment Process
Each assessment begins with an interview with the person requesting the assessment or their parents, as appropriate. During the interview we discuss:
Your goals for the assessment
Details about the assessment process
Current and historical information relevant to the assessment process
Identify other individuals or organazations (e.g., schools and testing boards) who will provide information for the assessment and receive information from it
Determine whether or not it would be helpful to observe you the client in one or more settings (e.g., home, school, after-school sports or clubs, etc.)
You or your child, depending on who the assessment is for, completes a variety of tests, some like puzzles, others more academic, depending on your asssessment goals.
Some characteristics of testing at Spark:
Engaging—Many of the tools we use feel like games or puzzles.
Dynamic—Assessment batteries are selected and modified based on information obtained as we progress through the assessment.
Usually takes 6-8 hours, split up into 2 or 3 sessions
We compile all of the information that we have gathered from you, other sources you have identified (teachers, coaches, etc.), and testing in a report. This report contains:
Current and historical information about real-world functioning, organized to provide context for test findings
Test scores and percentiles, as well as an analysis of the patterns seen among the scores
Conclusions about functioning, including areas of strength and weakness, as well as any applicable diagnoses (e.g., a learning disorder or ADHD)
Recommendations for supporting learning and growth in the cognitive and social domains across home, school, and other applicable settings.
After the feedback session, we're still here to support you. We're happy to provide
Meet with school personnel or other professionals to explain the results of our assessment
Assist with referrals to speech therapists, occupational therapists, or other professionals who carry out suggested recommendations
Provide additional information about resources referenced in our recommendations
Discuss future testing whenever you feel that it would be beneficial